The MIXPAC SYSTEM 50 is comprised of a small, lightweight, hand-held manual gun which dispenses 2-component adhesives through MIXPAC SYSTEM 50 cartridges and motionless mixers.
50系列手動混膠槍, 設計輕巧, 可選配不同混合比例的推杆, 同時配合50系統的雙組份儲料筒同混合管使用. |
The new MIXPAC “S” SYSTEM is comprised of a small, lightweight, hand-held manual gun which dispenses 2-component adhesives through MIXPAC "S" SYSTEM cartridges and motionless mixers.
S-50系列手動混膠槍, 設計輕巧, 可選配不同混合比例的推杆, 同時配合S-50系統的雙組份儲料筒同混合管使用. |
The MIXPAC SYSTEM 200 is used to dispense 2-component adhesives from MIXPAC SYSTEM 200 cartridges. The complete system is comprised of a lightweight, hand-held pneumatic or manual gun, cartridge and motionless mixer.
200系列手動同氣動混膠槍, 設計靈活易用, 混膠槍配置型號: 1:1 / 2:1, 型號4:1, 型號10:1, 手動或氣動型號可供選擇, 同時配合200系統的雙組份儲料筒同混合管使用. |
The MIXPAC SYSTEM 400 is used to dispense 2-component adhesives from MIXPAC SYSTEM 400 cartridges. The complete system is comprised of a lightweight, hand-held pneumatic or manual gun, cartridge and motionless mixer.
400系列手動同氣動混膠槍, 設計靈活易用, 混膠槍配置型號: 1:1 / 2:1, 型號4:1, 型號10:1, 手動或氣動型號可供選擇, 配合400系統的雙組份儲料筒同混合管使用. |